Hard Things First

Doing Hard Things First Boosts your brain to make impactful actions that creates momentum further success.

Avinash Khodke
3 min readJul 3, 2023
Hard Things First — Crying man
Photo by Ayo Ogunseinde on Unsplash

Starting with “Hard Things First” is a valuable approach that can lead to personal and professional growth. By tackling challenging tasks early in the day or in a project, we set ourselves up for a more productive and fulfilling experience overall. As the saying goes, “Eat the frog first,” meaning, do the most difficult or unpleasant task first thing in the morning.

We start our day with the regular tasks which we have been doing since last many years. We don’t force ourselves to do that, it automatically happens, right!

When our actual day starts like going onto our desk, going to college, start studying, we start with the least priority tasks cause no one wants to start the day with complex or difficult task and suffer with LONG BAD DAY.

Bruce Lee Kicking

‎”I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.” — Bruce Lee

Exactly, the legend itself had thought us it very earlier.

Imagine a man doing same work from 20 years, he’ll never make mistake while doing his work since the 20 years practice made him EXPERT? No, make him ‘A MASTER’.

There are tons of people who are masters, you meet them daily, such as a chef of fast food shop who make food within minutes, a postman who stamp uncountable letter's in hours, a Booking Clerk who can give tickets at speed of light. They are all Master at their work, since they are practicing it for years. If you ask them they would never say it’s a difficult task to do.

As in this new digital era, we’re already distracted with too many thing which are surrounding us and somehow we all suffering from musculoskeletal conditions. Less attention span, eye strain, anger and what not. In result, it becomes our habit to not being good at anything. So we look to go with ease, we look for the easiest thing we could do in our college, office everywhere. This will gets us nowhere, and we ended up with disappointing ourselves, leads demotivation and then anxiety.

To get rid of it, there’s a simple say, and that is “Hard Things First”.

Let’s take another example here, imaging as being a programmer, you have to code a lot, right! In the beginning phase it will be very difficult for you to code efficiently and quick. Your first project will be the worst that you could ever created, and unfortunately that’s true. But when you go further from one project to another you can code effortlessly, yes!.

At this phase you can code without looking at your monitor your finger will automatically start writing the code as I am writing this article without looking at my mine.

Keep doing the same things and that will create a model into your subconscious mind, later when you sit to do that task the brain will start instructing the body part to move accordingly, boom! No not here, but you will be Master soon after this.

What Actions You Should Take?

  • Do hard things first, to challenge your brain.
  • Keep Doing stuff you like, consistency will make you better each day.
  • Share what you have done with your closed ones. This will help you to get feedback.
  • Write what you have done.
  • Face your fear, your first move is important regardless it is write or wrong.
  • And last is, follow me for more good tips 😊🌸

